The following JSON-RPC methods are supported (try these using the MainHandler test page):
- addCallBack(item)
- addItemCart(newItemCart)
- checkUsernameExist(username)
- editMember(item, oldPassword)
- forgetPassword(phone, wordVerification)
- getCitybyName(Name)
- getListCart()
- getListDetailOrder(condition, begin, end)
- getListNews()
- getListOrder(condition, begin, end)
- getListProductByCategoryID(categoryID)
- getListProductBySupplierID(phone, codeOTP)
- getListShowroomByGroupShowroomID(ShowroomID, TextSearch, CityID)
- getLuongTruyCap()
- getOTPWhenViewCustomer(phone, IPTraCuu)
- getShowroomByGroupShowroomID(GroupShowroomID)
- getStatusPopup()
- hidePopup()
- hitLuongTruyCap()
- insertContact(item)
- login(userName, password)
- loginFast(phone, codeOTP)
- logout()
- orderMyCart()
- registerMember(item, wv)
- removeAllItemCart()
- removeItemCart(productID)
- resendCodeOTPWhenForgetPassword(phone)
- resetPassword(phone, newPassword)
- sendCodeOTPWhenLoginFast(phone)
- system.about()
- Returns a summary about the server implementation for display purposes.
- system.listMethods()
- Returns an array of method names implemented by this service.
- system.version()
- Returns the version server implementation using the major, minor, build and revision format.
- updateCart(itemCart)
- validateCodeOTPWhenForgetPassword(phone, codeOTP)
The following method(s) of this service are marked as idempotent and therefore safe for use with HTTP GET:
- system.about
- system.listMethods
- system.version